Welcome to my little piece of the web– I’m glad you found me, it gets lonely out here. Have a seat and check out some of my writings and videos. Most of what I like to write about is my amazing my friends and how we’re doing our part to make this crazy world more just and beautiful. There is a lot of writing about The Icarus Project, a support network and media project by and for people who experience the world in ways that are often diagnosed as mental illness. I am one of the co-founders, and although I don’t work with the national organization anymore, we’ve all had a big influence on one another for many years.
Check out my book, Maps to the Other Side, it’s a bunch of woven together stories of my odyssey navigating the psychiatric system by building community in the face of adversity; a set of maps for how rebels and dreamers can survive and thrive in a crazy world. I’m happy with how it turned out and I’d love to hear your reflections of it.
At the moment I live in Brooklyn, I’m getting a clinical social work degree at night, and I’m working really hard with a growing movement of dedicated people to build an alternative mental health infrastructure that is useful and accessible to a whole lot of different kinds of people. We are doing our best to come up from the underground and slowly but surely spread messages into the mainstream that are going to change the culture and society. I do my best to I live my life like it’s an adventure, so if you’re interested in reading about what I’m up to and thinking about, follow my blog, I love making connections with strangers so please write and say hello: [email protected] -and if you find my writing useful and interesting please share it with others.
Mad love and wild twists of fate,
Sascha Altman DuBrul
Sascha Altman DuBrul is a writer and educator that has been facilitating workshops and community dialogues at universities, conferences, community centers and activist gatherings for more than a decade.
From the anarchist squatter community in New York City to the Lacandon jungle of Chiapas, Mexico, to the Earth First! road blockades of the Pacific Northwest, Sascha is a pioneer in urban farming and creative mental health advocacy. He is the co-founder of the Bay Area Seed Interchange Library, the first urban seed library in North America, and The Icarus Project, a radical community support network and media project that’s actively redefining the language and culture of mental health and illness. Among certain crowds he is well known as the bass player of the classic 90s punk band Choking Victim.
- WATCH Sascha’s presentation Navigating Brilliance and Madness @TEDxHunter
- LISTEN to Sascha on WNYC The Brian Lehrer Show
- READ more about Sascha on Wikipedia